Wednesday, February 15, 2006

99 Bottles of Beer On the Wall, 99 Bottles of Beer

You take one down, pass it around, and go hunting. If you're Big Time Dick Cheney, that is. No wonder the Secret Service wouldn't let the local investigators talk to him.

VIDEO: Cheney Admits To Drinking Beer Prior To Hunting Accident

Cheney Speaks: Less Filling, More Speculation

Cheney, "A Beer or Two" and a Gun

The Nation -- Vice President Dick Cheney, who was forced to leave Yale University because his penchant for late-night beer drinking exceeded his devotion to his studies, and who is one of the small number of Americans who can count two drunk driving busts on his driving record, may have been doing more than hunting quail on the day that he shot a Texas lawyer in the face.

Katherine Armstrong, the wealthy Republican lobbyist who is a member member of the politically connected family that owns the ranch where Cheney blasted his hunting partner, acknowledged to a reporter from the NBC investigative unit that alcohol may have been served at a picnic that was served Saturday afternoon on the dude ranch where Cheney shot Harry Whittington.


This is where the hunting accident "incident" becomes a serious matter. The role played by the Secret Service in preventing questioning of Cheney on the evening of the shooting takes on new significance. If Cheney was in any way impaired at the time of the shooting, it was certainly to the Vice President's advantage put off the official investigation until the next morning.

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