Showing posts with label Jimmy Carter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jimmy Carter. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2008

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy: November 14, 2008

BBC: A visitor runs by a painting of US President-elect Barack Obama dressed as Uncle Sam by Russian artist Farid Bogdalov at a gallery in Moscow.

Much gnashing of teeth over the number of former Clinton staffers being hired by Obama. I am perplexed. Who else should he hire? Former Bush administration staffers? Or naifs to Washington who would have a huge learning curve? The best source of experienced Democratic operatives for the White House are obviously the vets of the Clinton Administration. It's not like there a lot of people around from the Jimmy Carter (1976-1980) Administration to tap.

To infinity, and beyond! Obama will YouTube his weekly radio address, starting this weekend. This makes total sense. Not a lot of people listen to the radio anymore, compared to the audience getting their news online. I only ever heard the weekly radio address if I happened to be driving somewhere on a Saturday. Now I'll post it on this blog weekly. I bet the audience multiplies by more than 100-fold.

George W. Bush is such an international joke that world leaders are using him as a punch line. Sarkozy capped an argument with Putin during the Georgia crisis in August: "But do you want to end up like Bush?" Putin's response "Ah - you have scored a point there."

Republican governors not to happy with the Palin press conference yesterday. Governors trashed her anonymously to CNN: "One called it awkward: 'I’m sure you could see it on some of our faces.' Another Republican governor eyeing a presidential run in 2012 told CNN the event was 'odd' and 'weird,' and said it 'unfortunately sent a message that she was the de facto leader of the party.'"

The Catholic Church continues to drift towards religious extremism. A Catholic priest in Columbia, South Carolina has advised his parishioners that no Catholic who voted for Obama should receive communion. If he wants to empty the pews, he should ban parishioners who practice birth control. That would get rid of 80% of the faithful.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Read Liberally

wikipedia: Pear, still-life by Keaton Cooper

Have you heard about Postville, Iowa? The story came out because of this essay (pdf file) by Erik Camayd-Freixas, Ph.D., who was employed by ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) as an interpreter at the raid of Agriprocessors, Inc., in Postville. ICE went in and charged hundreds of hard-working undocumented workers with the "crime" of working without the proper papers, and forced them into jail for months before they are deported. Jail time we taxpayers will pay for. Formerly such individuals would just be deported immediately. ICE is just trying to justify the enormous amounts of money we have pumped into our ridiculous Homeland Security agency. And of course ICE didn't go after the owners who are making money by destroying formerly middle class jobs and making illegal immigrants into the peasants of today.

Digby reminds us that Jimmy Carter was right. The Republicans jumped all over him 30 years ago for daring to say we need to break our dependence on foreign oil and conserve. And look where we are now. In 1979 the average price of a gallon of gas was $.86 cents. When Bush took office, it was $1.44. Today the average price is $4.12. And Bush wants to drill more as a solution. Moron. There isn't enough oil offshore to affect the price of oil one bit.

You could call the Bush era The Squander Years. What hasn't he done wrong? It's a very short list.

All those bailouts of Wall Street firms? They love capitalism until they've bankrupted their companies, then they love socialism. Why are we bailing out these crooks and letting them keep their ill-gotten gains?

The Bushies are making another end-run against reproductive rights. They're trying to change rules so all health organizations that receive federal funds must hire workers even if they oppose birth control. (so a hospital couldn't fire a nurse or a pharmacist who refused to tell teenage patients about birth control, for example.) Tristero at Hullabaloo explains it all, with a NSFW headline that is entirely accurate.

For you haiku and limerick buffs, check out firedoglake's Ted Stevens Poetry Contest!

My entries:

Ted Toobz in winter
Free renovations cause fall
Contemplates prison

Ted’s twilight years
Marred by thoughts
Of maximum security retirement plan

Ted Stevens regrets
His bridge to nowhere
No Toobz in jail for Ted.

My favorite, submitted by Ripley:

Toobz abandon Ted
Indictments fall like snowflakes
Midnight sun has set

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Reading List

Crooks & Liars: Blue America’s Steny Hoyer FISA ad

Whatever happened to Jimmy Carter's solar panels?

Retired 24-year military veteran has to beg for cancer treatments. Sicko.

Read about the media's slobbering affair with John McBush: Loving John McCain

Newsweek sez Obama has a 15 point lead over McCain. Don't get excited; it's still June.

Profiles of Michelle Obama, from high-brow to low: New York Times, Guardian (uk), Telegraph (uk), US Weekly, Wall Street Journal (I put this next to US Weekly for a reason).

And now for something completely different: A 5-minute interview with English striker Kelly Smith.