Showing posts with label Jerry Falwell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerry Falwell. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Thought The XFL Folded

He Hate Me chosen to give invocation at Obama inauguration.


Megachurch minister/thief Rick Warren is a hateful bigot who is anti-stem-cell-research, anti-choice, anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-gay marriage, and basically a big dope. He's gone on Fox Noise in the last month to apologize for the Bush torture regime and to proclaim that Jesus was pro-assassination. Basically he is Jerry Falwell in a fat suit. He's Rupert Murdoch's pastor, for crying out loud. He's a hater.

Obama can throw him bones for the rest of his life and that faker isn't going to change one position. Naive and deeply disappointing decision by Obama. It is a gratituous insult to all of Obama's supporters who support gay rights.

I'll turn my back when he speaks.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Imus N*****-Joke-Telling Sidekick Getting Boston Radio Audition

Go Away. Please.

WRKO, a Boston AM radio station, is giving a tryout to Imus co-host Bernard McGuirk. McGuirk was hired, according to Imus, "to do nigger jokes".

When I was a kid, I would have gotten the big bar of Palmolive in my mouth for saying that word. McGuirk, who has made his career doing racist and sexist jokes and still thinks that's funny, is getting a job interview for his efforts. Personally, I'd rather see him eat the soap. The last thing Boston, a city where race relations are delicate to say the least, is a hard-core recist like Imus's buddy Bernie on the airwaves.

Derrick Z. Jackson has an excellent column (excerpts, below) in today's Globe about the media's collective amnesia in the face of racism. He starts with Jerry Falwell's propping up of the South Africa regime in the 1980s and ends with Bernie getting a tryout in Boston.

Boston Globe: Boston station considers hiring former Imus sidekick

BOSTON --A Boston talk radio station plans to audition Don Imus' former producer to co-host former House Speaker Tom Finneran's morning talk show, which is suffering from sagging ratings.

Bernard McGuirk, who first called the Rutgers University women's basketball team "hard-core hos" in an exchange that led to public outcry and Imus' dismissal, will audition live on WRKO-AM next Wednesday through Friday.

In response to McGuirk, Imus called the women "nappy-headed hos." Imus and McGuirk, a 20-year producer and on-air jester for the "Imus in the Morning" program, were eventually fired.

"This is show business -- it's about personality and it's about entertainment and there's no question in my mind, Bernard has an incredible personality," Jason Wolfe, WRKO's vice president of AM programming and operations, said. "He's entertaining, very witty; that, in combination with the intelligence-slash-wit of Finneran, could be interesting."

Boston Herald: Imus sidekick draws fire: To be WRKO ‘guest’

Local and national media let racism slide

Talk-radio station WRKO-AM has invited Don Imus's racist sidekick Bernard McGuirk to be a co-host with former Massachusetts House speaker Tom Finneran on "Finneran's Forum."

McGuirk kicked off the banter about the Rutgers women's basketball team that got Imus kicked out of his nationally broadcast radio and television shows. Imus called the Rutgers black players "nappy-headed hos" after McGuirk called them "hard-core hos."

This was the final straw in a career of likening prominent African-Americans to the worst stereotypes of gorillas, cleaning ladies, and pimps.

It was summed up by the interview Mike Wallace did with Imus a decade ago. When Imus challenged Wallace to come up with an example of a racist incident by Imus, Wallace reminded him that he claimed in a car ride that "Bernard McGuirk is there to do nigger jokes." After at first denying using the n-word, Imus confessed that he did and he did not care what people thought about it.

What is Finneran trying to prove by having McGuirk on? To prove that his 2001 voter redistricting really was racist? Yesterday Finneran said on his show of McGuirk's comments, "That's history. That's in the rear view mirror. That's behind us."

If Finneran really believes that "hard-core hos," said just six weeks ago, is "history," then the next thing he and WRKO should see in the rear-view mirror are their advertisers waving goodbye.

In a couple cycles of commercials for "Finneran's Forum," prominent firms such as J.C. Penney, New York Life, Salem Five, Ira Toyota, Uniroyal Tires, and Venezia Restaurant had ads. Savings Bank Life Insurance of Massachusetts has an ad on the website for Finneran's show.

Do these advertisers want to be associated with a man who Imus did not deny was "there to do nigger jokes?" Stay tuned.

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Final Word on Jerry Falwell

Comes from drunken sot Christopher Hitchens, of all people. Watch the video:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Did Make History

Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46 (1988)

Wikipedia: Hustler Magazine v. Falwell

Legal history, that is, when his award for damages for this Hustler magazine ad was overturned by the Supreme Court on First Amendment grounds:

Jerry Falwell, 1933-2007

Given that Jerry Falwell blamed me, a feminist, for 9/11, I have a hard time saying anything nice about the man. As Atrios says, let's hope he finds God more forgiving than he thought he was. (or, even better, lets hope that he finds out that God is female!)

A compilation of some of the lowlights of his public statements: The Carpetbagger Report: Jerry Falwell dies at age 73

Wikipedia: Jerry Falwell

NYTimes: Rev. Jerry Falwell Is Dead at 73

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Video Evidence: John McCain's FlipFlopping Express

Go watch this video at and see John McCain swinging as the wind blows. I can't wait until someone puts together a video like this on the Mittwit. (Hey, guess what? Some of it's on YouTube already; this is Romney lying to the people of Massachusetts in 1994 when he was running against Ted Kennedy.) Romney claimed to be pro-choice when he ran for Massachusetts governor four years ago, and today he says he's always been anti-abortion. Huh? He'll say anything to win; that's true of every one of these sleazeball Republicans running for President. Rudy Giulani used to be liberal on all social issues, but he'll be holding hands with Jerry Falwell in a few months.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

John McCain's Bullshit Express

John McCain is no maverick. He'll say whatever he thinks is the most popular thing du jour. The Carpetbagger Report has documented thirteen (13) McCain flip-flops. Play at home! If you can add to the list, leave your McCain Bullshit Express Flip-Flop in Comments.

* McCain went from saying he would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade to saying the exact opposite.

* McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but has since decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks. (Indeed, McCain has now hired Falwell’s debate coach.)

* McCain used to oppose Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy, but he reversed course in February.


And now McCain has gone from insisting that the war in Iraq would be easy to insisting that he’s always said the war in Iraq would be hard.
And yet, you’ll still find most of the political establishment arguing that McCain’s strength as a candidate is his credibility.

link via BoingBoing.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

2006 Predictions

Jeanne Dixon I am not, but here goes:

1. Karl Rove indicted, resigns, gets job with Hudson Institute.

2. After spending the last quarter of 2005 vilifying John Murtha for suggesting that U.S. forces be drawn down and deployed to the borders of Iraq, BushCo will do just that in 2006. Prediction of numbers of American troops in Iraq, end of 2006: 80,000.

3. Liverpool wins Premier League in shocking upset over Chelsea. (Prediction or hope? You make the call.)

4. Argentina wins World Cup.

5. Neocons will begin sabre rattling about attacking Iran. Can you say, Mushroom cloud?

6. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson will each say something incredibly stupid and offensive.

7. Red Sox finish in second place in American League East behind MFY.

8. BushCo's vast data-mining operation will be exposed. Forget Christiane Amanpour. We've all been caught up.

9. When Fitzgerald's investigation begins to focus on Cheney, he resigns for health reasons. Condi appointed Vice President, Stephen Hadley appointed National Security Advisor.

10. Democrats sweep to victory in midterm elections, but electoral gerrymandering has been so successful that Republicans retain control of House of Representatives.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday, Monday

Why don't she write? Just not inspired this weekend. Sometimes the news gets me down.

How is it possible that a pure evil character like Dick Cheney has been Vice President of this country for 5 years? Not surprising that the man who opposed releasing Nelson Mandela from a South African prison has been the main proponent of Bushco's torture policy. If Alberto Gonzales is Torture Guy, Dick Cheney is Big Time Torture Guy. And without any shame or remorse, he's still advocating to exempt himself and the CIA from US laws banning torture.

And what stalwart defender of freedom has staked out a public position opposing Big Time? Which capital D Democrat leads the anti-torture charge? None that comes to mind. Instead, the politician who is taking on Cheney on torture is tortured POW John McCain. Who's also cozying up to Jerry Falwell this week. Like I said, it's enough to depress an idealistic liberal.

It's a beautiful day. I'm going for a walk.