Showing posts with label Ward Ice Shelf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ward Ice Shelf. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another Chunk of Ward Ice Shelf Disappears

Canadian Ranger Samson Ejanqiaq looks along one of the gaping new cracks in the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, the largest left in the Arctic, in April 2008.

BBC: Canadian Arctic sheds ice chunk
A large chunk of an Arctic ice shelf has broken free of the northern Canadian coast, scientists say.

Nearly 20 sq km (eight sq miles) of ice from the Ward Hunt shelf has split away from Ellesmere Island, according to satellite pictures.

It is thought to be the biggest piece of ice shed in the region since 60 sq km of the nearby Ayles ice shelf broke away in 2005.

Scientists say further splitting could occur during the Arctic summer melt.

Globe & Mail (CAN): Huge chunk snaps off storied Arctic ice shelf
Break marks latest in erosion that has whittled 9,000 square kilometres down to 1,000 over past century

Toronto Star: Ice break ominous, Arctic scientist says
North's ancient shelves `are retreating and they are not coming back,' researcher warns