Showing posts with label Words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Words. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Who's the Pirate?

The "developed" world is dumping toxic waste in the seas off Somalia -- and stealing their fish. Who's the pirate? Who's the bad guy? Who's the thief?

The winner gets to write history. Right now we are calling the Somalis "pirates". If we were fighting back against the same kind of behavior, we'd be calling ourselves patriots.

Crooks & Liars: What The International Media Isn't Telling You About Somalia Pirates

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Palin's Word Salad Matters

Our current President can't speak English, either, and look where that got us.

Palin Press Conference

Sarah Palin did her first press conference since being named McCain's running mate. You can see why the campaign didn't allow the press to have at her. She doesn't actually know anything if it's not on notes or the teleprompter. The best-candidate-handlers-can-script can only manage her sad word salad answers. Not a whit of substance. The press conference is cut off after four questions.

Pure Poetry

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Sarah Palin answers a question in her own inimitable language:


Nothing specific right now.
Sitting here in these chairs
that I’m going to be proposing


in working with these governors who
again on the front lines
are forced to
and it’s our privileged obligation
to find solutions
to the challenges facing our own states
every day
being held accountable,
not being just one of many
just casting votes
or voting present every once
in a while, we don’t
get away with that.

We have to balance budgets
and we’re dealing with multibillion dollar budgets
and tens of thousands of employees
in our organizations.

Just one of her blithering answers in her national media death-by-a-thousand-interviews tour. Yes, these were her exact words.

Tossed word salad, with dressing ($150,000 worth!) on the side.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Comment of the Day

From this New York Times article quoting Sarah Word Salad:

One reader's comment:

"But not me personally were those cheers for."

Who is this - Yoda in lipstick?

Unacceptable is she.

— Olivia, Rhinebeck, NY

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't Ask Sarah Palin What A Precondition Is

'Cause she does not know. She did not know that vocabulary was going to be a precondition for the vice presidency!

Asked what a precondition is, she tries "diplomatic strategy", which doesn't even get partial credit.

You can watch Part 1 of the Brian Williams interview (a little over 11 minutes) here. Lots of Sarah Word Salad at play.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Word of the Day

The American Kakistocracy


Kakistocracy, rule by the least-able or least-principled of citizens, is a form of government in which the people least qualified to control the government are the people who control the government.

The origin of this word is Greek, derived from the superlative of the Greek adjective kakos (bad), the superlative form being kakistos (worst).

Hat tip to this dailykos diary.