Monday, October 10, 2005

Will The Traitors Go Frogmarching In, Hurrah, Hurrah?

From thinkprogress:

Kristol: “One or More Indictments in the Next Three Weeks”

Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol on Fox News Sunday:

Criminal defense lawyers I’ve spoken to who are friendly to the administration are very worried that there will be one or more indictments in the next three weeks of senior administration officials, just looking at what Fitzgerald is doing and taking him at his word, you know, being a serious prosecutor here. And I think it’s going to be bad for the Bush administration.

Someone like Bill Kristol doesn’t get information like this by accident. It’s being fed to him so, if there is an indictment, he can prepare the base. Towards the end of the segment, Kristol got started, saying, “I hate the criminalization of politics.”

The best way to stop the criminalization of politics is to get the criminals out of politics.

I heard Jeffrey Toobin on CNN last week say that the only person who would spend time in jail is Judy Miller. That's before Judy, Judy, Judy found her other notebook, with the notes from her June conversation with Scooter.

Funniest line of the week in Blogtopia? Jane Hamsher of firedoglake:

Of all the amazing discoveries. She's the fucking Indiana Jones of dust bunnies, that one.

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