Thursday, October 13, 2005


From the smoking gun:

The Harriet And George Letters
Bush-Miers Texas correspondence reveals mutual admiration society

The sycophantic letters of Harriet E. Miers (HEM) to George W. Bush.

My firm had an employee once who wooed me with constant flattery. She wanted to work for me. It was embarrassing, and I never trusted her for a moment because it was so transparently brownnosing.

These letters remind me of that woman. Sad.

I wish some handwriting expert would opine on the flowery, loopy handwriting. Looks like a 9th graders. Apologies to any 9th grader reading this. Mier's handwriting looks like she should be drawing hearts over her "i"s.

Still haven't decided a position on Miers, though I don't think it matters what position the Democrats take on Miers. The right wing is going to take her down.

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