Monday, January 07, 2008

Chimp's Economy Lifts All Boats

In England, that is.

BBCNews: Britons 'richer than Americans'

The average UK person will this year have a greater income than their US counterpart for the first time since the 19th Century, figures suggest.

Analyst Oxford Economics said the UK's GDP per head of population will reach £23,500 - £250 higher than in the US. The average UK person will this year have a greater income than their US counterpart for the first time since the 19th Century, figures suggest.


Mr Cooper [of Oxford Economics] said: "The UK has been catching up steadily with living standards in the US since 2001, so it is a well-established trend rather than simply the result of currency fluctuations."

Heckuva job, George.

hat tip to Attaturk at Eschaton.

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