Sunday, February 05, 2006

Must-See TV: Glenn Greenwald on C-Span Monday

Glenn Greenwald of Unclaimed Territory, the blogger who has been all over the NSA illegal wiretapping story, is going to be on C-Span Monday morning from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. He'll be debating Professor Robert Turner of the University of Virginia, an extreme proponent of unchecked Presidential power. Check out Unclaimed Territory for more on Turner.

NSA debate on C-SPAN

Professor Turner served in various positions in the Reagan Administration, including as counsel to the President's Intelligence Oversight Board, and is currently a member of the Committee on the Present Danger, which lays in the belly of the neoconservative beast (Its Co-Chairs are John Kyl, Joe Lieberman, George Schultz and James Woolsey, and its other members include Midge Decter, Victor Davis Hanson, Newt Gingrich, Michael Horowitz, Clifford May, Daniel Pipes, Norman Podhoretz, Victoria Toensing and Ed Meese -- the list goes on and on like that, but you get the idea).

In December, Professor Turner wrote a widely celebrated (among Bush followers) Op-Ed in The Wall St. Journal praising the Administration's decision to eavesdrop in violation of FISA on the ground that Congress has no right to limit the President's eavesdropping activities. I'm definitely looking quite forward to the opportunity to have this discussion, particularly since Professor Turner has advocated a rather extreme (and pernicious) view of unchecked executive power. []

It's a live call in show so you can try to get through C-Span's busy lines.

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