Saturday, September 24, 2005

It's All About the Image

Few Decisions to Make, Much Time to Be Seen

David Sanger of the New York Times discusses the difficulty the White House has had in coming up with the right image for President Photo Op.

AUSTIN, Tex., Sept. 24 - As he emerged Saturday morning ....President Bush caught sight of a famous image of himself []....

Mr. Bush was pictured in command centers, a deliberate effort by the White House to strike a different image...

his initial presence at the ranch and images of him viewing the disaster from the climate-controlled comfort of Air Force One reinforced the image of a leader detached....

And of course, the famous image of Bush [] is the ultimate photo op:

Bullhorn in hand at Ground Zero on Sept. 14, 2001.

which Sanger refers to as though it were REAL is hard to find command moments like that one.

Command moments? Does Sanger not know that the so-called "bullhorn moment" was nothing more than a photo op, that Karl Rove asked to have Bush hauled up on the truck with the bullhorn? There was no command moment. There was a photo op, and for more than four years the media has pretended that a photo op had some real world meaning. It was a set up picture for the MSM, which bought it hook, line and sinker. The emperor never had any clothes. He's been naked all along, except for his puppetmaster Traitor Karl.

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