Exploding The Estrogen Myth
Barbara Seaman's book The Doctor's Case Against the Pill, and
Barbara Seaman was fired from almost every magazine she ever wrote for, when the pharmaceutical companies threatened to pull advertising if her work was published. She was a real feminist pioneer. Not surprisingly, the corporate media is ignoring the death of this influential feminist. As of the time of the post, only 8 media outlets have published
She will be missed.
HuffPo: Leora Tanenbaum
Your Pill is Safer Because of Her
HuffPo: Jennifer Baumgardner
Remembering Barbara Seaman
TPM Cafe: Let us remember Barbara Seaman, crusading pioneer of the women's health movement
Chesler Chronicles: An Elegy For My Friend "Babz," aka Barbara Seaman (1935-2008) (a tribute by another feminist writer, Phyllis Chesler, the author of Women and Madness)
Newsday: Barbara Seaman, women's health advocate, dead at 72
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Remembering Barbara Seaman
Women'sSpace: “Dear Injurious Physician” — In Memorium: Barbara Seaman, Sept. 11, 1935-Feb. 27, 2008
UPDATE: As of 10:00 a.m. on Friday, only two additional corporate media outlets have published an obituary of Barbara Seaman: the Washington Post (and not just the AP obit, they wrote their own) and the Philadelphia Daily News. Is the corporate media ignoring the death of this feminist pioneer to keep their pharmaceutical advertisers happy? I emailed the NYTimes last night lamenting their lack of an obit, and got a form email in response, but neither the Times, the Boston Globe, nor the LATimes reports on Seaman's death today. Shame.
UPDATE 2: Updated to correct my mistake in confusing Women and the Crisis in Sex Hormones with The Menopause Industry: How the Medical Establishment Exploits Women.
Thanks for checking up on the MSM. Seaman threatened big pharma and they tried to squash her. They do that and we keep fighting as best we can.
The struggle of the women is la guerra prolongada as my friends say. Sigh.
A NY Times obit is forthcoming - per the obit editor in response to my email. Watch for it on Saturday or Sunday.
Excellent news! Thanks for keeping the heat on them.
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