I'm taking a little time off from the blog. Busy making pieces for my five-week, 10 class raku class, and catching up on a little summer reading. Right now I'm in the middle of Jeannette Walls' The Glass Castle, Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life, and Seymour Hersh's Chain of Command. Highly recommend all three, as well as the other political book I just finished, Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq'a Green Zone by Rajiv Chandrasekaran.
Regular posting should resume next week.
Oh, and here are three new additions to the blogroll:
Chad Finn's Touching All the Bases
Describes itself as "Commentary from a New England sports journalist who remains a fan at heart." Good writer and posts great old baseball cards.
The Soul of Baseball
Describes itself as "A blog dedicated to the memory of John "Buck" O'Neil - player, manager, scout, coach, spokesman and friend. The book, "The Soul of Baseball," is in bookstores now." But it's so much more. He goes all over the place and you'll enjoy the trip.
Group News Blog
A group blog started by the readers of Steve Gilliard's The News Blog who kept the blog going during his illness.
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