Commander Codpiece is apparently preparing for the day when he is indicted for war crimes in the Hague. In the fine tradition of war criminals through history (like Joseph Mengele) he's bought a getaway ranch in Paraguay.
A mere
....98,840 acres of land in Chaco, Paraguay, near the Triple Frontier (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay)....
He can hide his entire bloody administration there. Dick Cheney is probably already wiping the whole place off The Google Maps.
It's one thing to dislike a public leader, and it's great that we live in a society where we can openly talk about them. But, it's another thing to spread misinformation to try to discredit them. Stick to the facts and let them speak for themselves.
Your wrote the following, but it is blatantly incorrect:
"....98,840 acres of land in Chaco, Paraguay, near the Triple Frontier (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay)...."
First of all, the Chaco is a region in the west half of Paraguay and nowhere near the Triple Frontier, which is on the eastern border. What's more, that Frontier is where Brazil, Paraguay and ARGENTINA come together, not Bolivia, which again is at the western edge of the country, not the east.
I know, I live there.
By the way, if you knew anything at all about Paraguay, you'd realize that it was not the Bush family that bought land there, but the religious organization known as the Unification Church (or perhaps better known as the Moonies, followers of Sun Myung Moon.). They bought approximately 100,000 acres in Paraguay, including a small town, near the Brazilian border several years ago. In fact, that land purchase coincided with their purchase of a vast tract of land on the Brazilian side of the border. The Paraguayan government became concerned that the "church" (business, really, they own a Brazilian soccer team, too, along with hundreds of businesses around the world) was preparing to carve out their own country. So, the Paraguayan government stepped in and squelched the deal.
This is the true origin of the "secret ranch" story about George Bush, and as you can plainly see, has nothing to do with the Bushes or the United States.
By all means, continue to exercise your right to free speech. But, please, don't spread malicious gossip, internet legends, or outright lies -- get your facts right and let them speak for themselves.
Truth can always stand the closest scrutiny.
Your wrote the following, but it is blatantly incorrect:
"....98,840 acres of land in Chaco, Paraguay, near the Triple Frontier (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay)...."
That portion is what I didn't write; it's from the linked article. Take it up with Prensa Latina, the Latin American News Agency. You may be right; they've already taken down the article.
My point is and remains: The guy is a war criminal who authorized violations of the Geneva Conventions. He should be in jail.
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