Saturday, September 10, 2005

Not Exactly Abraham Lincoln

From driftglass:

Actual Death Tax... of today, the Global Something-or-other on Whateverthefuck we are Fighting has now lasted longer than the entire American Civil War....

Wanna take odds whether or not, if Abraham Lincoln had been President these last sorry and sad four years, Osama Bin Laden’s head would long ago have be on a pike in the Rose Garden?

Conversely, if George McClellan had had a brain-damaged wastrel brother, and that clown had been commander-in-chief, perhaps we would have responded to Fort Sumter by invading Peru. And perhaps four years into the war Jeff Davis would be sitting comfortably in a mansion in Florida, sending mocking letters to White House, while freshly-radicalized Peruvians streamed across the border to fight and die for him under the Stars and Bars.

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