Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"Impeach Bush Before More People Die"

From Skippy the Bush Kangaroo (go to the original post for links):

impeach bush before more people die

those aren't my words, although i have certainly thought them. these are the words of the former assistant secretary of the treasury under reagan, paul craig roberts.

and he's got some more words.

the raison d'etre of the bush administration is war in the middle east in order to protect america from terrorism and to insure america's oil supply. on both counts the bush administration has failed catastrophically.

bush's single-minded focus on the "war against terrorism" has compounded a natural disaster and turned it into the greatest calamity in american history. the us has lost its largest and most strategic port, thousands of lives, and 80% of one of america's most historic cities is under water.

if terrorists had achieved this result, it would rank as the greatest terrorist success in history.

oh, yeah...he's got some more, too....

...every expert and newspapers as distant as texas saw the new orleans catastrophe coming. but president bush and his insane government preferred war in iraq to protecting americans at home.

...the bush administration is damned by its gross incompetence. bush has squandered the lives and health of thousands of people. he has run through hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars. he has lost america's reputation and its allies. with barbaric torture and destruction of our civil liberty, he has stripped america of its inherent goodness and morality. and now bush has lost america's largest port and 25 percent of its oil
supply. why? because bush started a gratuitous war egged on by a claque of crazy
neoconservatives who have sacrificed america's interests to their insane agenda. - paul craig roberts at counterpunch

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