Friday, September 16, 2005

In Charge of Rebuilding the Gulf: Traitor Karl?

So George Bush's great idea of his big speech is to put....Karl charge of the rebuilding effort?

Traitor Karl?

Isn't this like putting Helluva Job Brownie in charge of FEMA? When the rebuilding goes horribly wrong, is the MSM going to trot out Karl Rove's resume and tell us that all Karl ever did before he got this job was run campaigns for the Bushes?

How's it going to work when he gets indicted in a few months? Is he busy now giving every member of the grand jury a no-bid contract to rebuild something?

Desert Rat Democrat: And to think Carrot Top Was Available...

Josh Marshall (Talking Points Memo): the Gulf Coast reconstruction effort is going to be run as a patronage and political operation.
He's put his chief political operative in charge of running the reconstruction of the Gulf Coast.

Dan Froomkin, Washington Post: Who's in Charge? Karl Rove!

Even Howie "My Wife's a Republican Operative" Kurtz seems skeptical: Conservative War on Poverty? (first sentence: Well, the choreography was pretty impressive.)

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