Thursday, June 30, 2005

Small Town NY Views Iraq

Bush evokes mixed emotions
Families of local troops approve, criticize speech

One girl's story:

Army Spc. Isaac Nieves, 20, of Unadilla was one of more than 1,740 Americans who died in Iraq. He was killed by a roadside bomb April 8, 2004.

His 15-year-old sister Kimberly said it didn’t matter what the president had to say.

"We don’t support the war," Nieves said. "We lost our brother in it."

Nieves said the Iraqis have not attacked people here in America and she couldn’t understand why the United States had to attack Iraq.

"I think the war is ridiculous, and there is no point in it," Nieves said. "A lot of families are going through a lot of pain.

"I think about Isaac every single day," Nieves said. "He made such a big difference in this town. He never got to meet his son. He died a month after his son was born."

And as for the president: "I don’t like him very much. He made me lose my brother," Nieves said. "He doesn’t know what it’s like to lose family in a war."

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