Sunday, May 22, 2005

Life in the Exurbs/Suburbs

For my friend S who introduced me to the term "McMansion":

McAmerica Uber Alles

In which Billmon quotes the following:

One thing that I'm predicting is that there will be a vigorous and futile defense of suburbia and all its entitlements, no matter what reality is telling us to do. And this will translate into a lot of political mischief. You can quote me: Americans will vote for cornpone Nazis before they will give up their entitlements to a McHouse and a McCar.

James H. Kunstler, Author of The Long Emergency
Interview with Salon
May 14, 2005

But it's not a McHouse: It's a McMansion. Complete with a giant McGarage to hold the giant McSuburbans.

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