(John Tlumacki/Globe Staff)
A middle school teenage girl on a tour of Fenway Park -- whose nickname is A-Rod -- was attacked by a red-tail hawk in the stands behind home plate. The hawk had a nest in front of the press box overhead, with one egg in it. The hawk scratched the girl's head, and she was taken to the hospital, treated and released. After the attack the hawk's nest was removed:
This spring the raptor used a brown-knit cap and twigs from trees on Yawkee Way to build a nest on a green overhang near the press booth above home plate. She laid a brown-speckled egg last week, but it rolled off the nest, wasn't properly incubated, and was no longer viable, French said.
Wildlife officials removed the egg and the nest yesterday after the hawk lashed out at Alexa.
Obviously the hawk struck out because the girl's name was A-Rod. For all we know, she was in the park on July 24, 2004, during the famous fight where Varitek took A-Rod by the throat.
The hawk wasn't just protecting her nest. She was protecting our house.
The Boston Globe article used above contains a hilarious typo. "Yawkee Way" is actually "Yawkey Way". The writer must have been thinking about the Yankees, not the Yawkeys. Just like the hawk; a little confused, but heart in the right place.
Boston Globe: Teen finds fowl territory at Fenway
Boston Globe Photo Gallery: Hawk attack at Fenway Park
Boston Globe: An omen? Hawk attacks girl with a familiar-sounding name at Fenway

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