Friday, June 02, 2006

A True Local Hero

I've always thought that there must better models for our bureaucratic systems for taking care of people. Warehousing old people in nursing homes and isolating kids in foster care and then dumping them out on the streets at age 18 just doesn't make a lot of sense. This woman's solution, creating communities for people fostering kids, sounds innovative and promising.

Margery Eagan, columnist, Boston Herald: She shows how ‘care’ is foster care’s linchpin

Nearly 10 years ago Judy Cockerton read a story in the Herald and heard the quiet urging that may be familiar to you: I should do something.


....The difference between Cockerton and most of us: Her frantic life passed quickly before her eyes as well. But she called anyway, this wife, mother of two then ages 12 and 18, this businesswoman who ran not one but two toy stores. “And it has profusely transformed my life,” she says, in ways “I’m profoundly grateful for.”

Today Judy Cockerton, adoptive mother and ex-businesswoman, runs a nonprofit devoted to improving the lives of thousands of children in foster care. Today she opens the latest and most ambitious of her Treehouse Foundation efforts: a brand-new neighborhood of homes in Easthampton. There a dozen families with kids adopted from foster care will live alongside 48 “honorary grandparents” who’ll be part of their village of care.

The website of her organization:

Treehouse Foundation

Bonus: The Boston Herald made all its columnists articles free, as of yesterday. The (presumably few) people who subscribed to access columns will get pro-rated refunds.

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