Tuesday, July 05, 2005

George W. Bush, Flag Desecrater

From patridiotwatch:

Flag Desecration Bill, Redux

George Bush signed American Flags on July 24, 2003, a desecration according to American standards. Now he and his party want a Constitutional Amendment against desecrating flags. Hypocrites.

Click on the link: There's a picture of C+ Augustus laying pen to flag.

Dumb & dumber.

The evolution of national concern about the flag has always amused me. When I was a kid, hippies wore the American flag on the pockets of their jeans & got put in jail. In the 80s, Tommy Hilfiger outfitted the country in t-shirts & jeans with flags on the pockets & made millions. The same people who want to make flagburning a crime sit their fat a**es in American flag chairs. Burning, I believe, is still the only proper way to dispose of an American flag. George W. Bush who is salivating over a no flag-desecration bill writes on flags. Does no one see the ironies here?

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