Monday, September 13, 2004

Bush Had At Least 36 Warnings About Al-Qaeda Prior to 9/11

I don't know how I missed this, but in Elizabeth Drew's review of the 9/11 Report in the New York Times, she says the 8/6 PDB entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike In U.S." was the 36th PDB in 2001 regarding bin Laden & al-Qaeda. The 36th! In 8 months, that's a PDB per week about al-Qaeda.

The CIA analysts told the commissioners that they put all the relevant information they could into the PDB in order to get the President's attention. The report tells us that this was the thirty-sixth Presidential Daily Brief so far that year related to bin Laden and al-Qaeda—though the first to warn of a possible attack on the United States itself.

After the alarming PDB was presented to the President, nothing happened. The commission reports dryly,

We have found no indication of any further discussion before September 11 among the President and his top advisers of the possibility of a threat of an al Qaeda attack in the United States.

Dumbest President ever.

Thanks to Atrios for linking to Drew's review, again.

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