Friday, September 16, 2005

You've Always Had the Power, George

It is now clear that a challenge on this scale requires greater federal authority and a broader role for the armed forces, the institution of our government most capable of massive logistical operations on a moment's notice.
George W. Bush, Speech to Nation, Sept. 14, 2005

Could we send President Photo Op off to see the wizard? The Wonderful Wizard of Oz? Maybe he'll meet a good witch like Glinda, who had some pretty good advice that might help out Hapless George.

"You've always had the power", the Good Witch told Dorothy.

Can you imagine if Glinda the Good Witch called President Eternal Vacation up on the phone:

Glinda: President Bush, the federal government is at your disposal. You have the power! You can order the National Guard in! You can send in the military! You can declare a national emergency!

You can declare war on a natural disaster just as easily as you can declare war on a foreign power! You don't even have to send Colin Powell to lie to the UN and the world first! You can just do it! Just do it!

You've always had the power! You're the President of the United States, the richest and most powerful country in the world! You can pick up the phone and make things happen!

Now, I know you seem to think that the "bureaucracy" has been holding you back, but THAT'S YOU! You are the bureaucracy! If you don't want to abide by the rules, just suspend them ! It's an emergency! It's OK! Nobody would even be mad!

And so what if they are? Are they going to sue you? I know you were hungover in most of those business school classes, but there's this thing called "sovereign immunity". The government is exempt from paying for its mistakes! You've always had the power, and there will be no repercussions!

Besides which, who's going to complain about you bending the rules to save people's lives? Not me! You've had no problem suspending the rules to screw the workers who will rebuild New Orleans! You've always had the power! You're the President!

Oh....I should be talking to Dick....or Karl. OK, let me give them a ring. Sorry to bother you. Enjoy that mountain bike ride! Follow the yellow brick road! And remember, you've always had the power!

OK, I'll tell it to the Big Dick.

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