Monday, September 19, 2005

So Get To It

A Fix for First Responders
By John McCain, Joseph Lieberman, Jane Harman and Curt Weldon

We urge Congress to immediately take up pending legislation that would finally provide emergency first responders with the radio spectrum, equipment and funding necessary to protect themselves as they come to the aid of those they were sworn to protect. When lives are on the line, seconds count. And reliable emergency communications become a matter of life and death.

Well, here's a great big DUH to you folks. That's your job! What have you been doing for the last four years?

Oh, John McCain, working for the re-election of President Photo Op, carrying cake together while folks were drowning in New Orleans. Joe Lieberman, approving Mike Brown's appointment to head FEMA in a 42 minute hearing. Jane Harmon, maybe she's been counting her money (she and her husband are worth $160 million collectively). Curt Weldon, maybe he forgot about the first responders while he was attending Rev. Sun Myung Moon's coronation

My level of cynicism is very high these days.

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