Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Gonzales: Right Turn to SCOTUS?

When I saw this article, I thought "Is Gonzales trying to tell the wingnuts he would overturn Roe if they give him a SCOTUS seat?" Or is he just trying to keep the focus off Karl Rove, Traitor?

AG: High Court Not Bound by Roe V. Wade

WASHINGTON - The legal right to abortion is settled for lower courts, but the Supreme Court "is not obliged to follow" the Roe v. Wade precedent, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Tuesday as the Senate prepared to consider John Roberts' appointment that would put a new vote on the high court.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Gonzales said a justice does not have to follow a previous ruling "if you believe it's wrong," a comment suggesting Roberts would not be bound by his past statement that the 1973 decision settled the issue.

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