Saturday, September 25, 2004

Boycott CBS

'60 Minutes' Delays Report Questioning Reasons for Iraq War

CBS News said yesterday that it had postponed a "60 Minutes" segment that questioned Bush administration rationales for going to war in Iraq.


The Iraq segment had been ready for broadcast on Sept. 8, CBS said, but was bumped at the last minute for the segment on Mr. Bush's National Guard service. The Guard segment was considered a highly competitive report, one that other journalists were pursuing.

CBS said last night that the report on the war would not run before Nov. 2.


"We now believe it would be inappropriate to air the report so close to the presidential election," the spokeswoman, Kelli Edwards, said in a statement.


The CBS statement followed a report in the online edition of Newsweek that described the frustration of CBS News reporters and producers who said the network had concluded that it could not legitimately criticize the president because of the questions about the National Guard report.

OK, now this is me again, although blogger (aargh) won't let me get rid of the blockquote here. This is no longer from the New York Times. This is me:

CBS is now suppressing the story about the fake 'Iraq has been trying to buy yellowcake (uranium) from Niger' documents the Bush Administration relied upon in making their case for war. The publication & reliance upon these fake documents caused tens of thousands of deaths. Apparently, the fake Bush Texas Air National Guard documents have killed a network. CBS is dead.

So, since they aren't going to report both sides of the story any more, why should we watch them? Boycott CBS. The BS network.

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